=== Easily manage all your WordPress code === Contributors: WPCodeBox 2 Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.2.2 Stable tag: 1.0.3 WPCodeBox is a complete WordPress snippet manager. With WPCodeBox you can manage all of your site's code without touching functions.php. == Description == = WPCodeBox - Complete WordPress Snippet Manager = WPCodeBox is a complete WordPress snippet manager. With WPCodeBox you can manage all of your site's code without touching functions.php. == Changelog == = 1.0.3 (Released on May 28th 2023) = * Bugfix: Snippet order not preserved when reordering using drag and drop = 1.0.2 (Released on May 24th 2023) = * New Feature: Add "Unlink from Cloud" button to snippets context menu * Bugfix: Autoreload not working when both WPCodeBox and WPCodeBox 2 are installed * Bugfix: Snippets with very long descriptions not saved * Bugfix: Snippets with many conditions not saved * Bugfix: Folder order not preserved * Bugfix: In some cases, deleting a cloud snippet causes a local error * Bugfix: Plain text snippets causing errors in some cases * Bugfix: In some rare cases, CSS and SCSS snippets can be saved with the plugins_loaded hook * Bugfix: Functionality plugin generating errors in some cases = 1.0.1 (Released on May 17th 2023) = * Bugfix: Warning when both WPCodeBox and WPCodeBox 2 are installed * Bugfix: Async and defer options not rendered on external JS tags * Bugfix: Custom shortcode parameters are not passed to custom shortcodes * Bugfix: Create/download from cloud not working for very large snippets * Bugfix: Frontend header (After pagebuilders) hook not rendering JS and CSS snippets * Bugfix: Deprecated notices in PHP 8.2 in the update library * Bugfix: WPCodeBox error page is showing for non-WPCodeBox errors = 1.0.0 (Released on May 10th 2023) = * New Feature: Monaco Editor * New Feature: Autocomplete for all WordPress actions & filters & Parameters * New Feature: Functionality Plugin (Experimental) * New Feature: WooCommerce hooks snippet insertion for HTML and PHP Snippets * New Feature: Color picker for CSS/SCSS/LESS * New Feature: SCSS Partials * New Feature: Render PHP/HTML snippets using custom shortcodes * New Feature: Actions and custom actions for rendering snippets * New Feature: Option to render CSS/SCSS after page builders’ CSS * New Feature: Show local variables in autocomplete * New Feature: Save UI Settings to the cloud * New Feature: Execute PHP snippets using a secure external URL * New Feature: Collapse left/right panes using Ctrl + 1/Ctrl + 2 * New Feature: Added do not render to PHP snippets so they can be included via code * New Feature: Emmet support * New Feature: Oxygen Color Integration * New Feature: Bricks Color Integration * New Feature: Automatic CSS Integration * New Feature: WordPress hooks and action reference on hover * New Feature: Code map that can be disabled in settings * New Feature: CSS Variables support and autocomplete * New Condition: User logged in * New Condition: User device (mobile/desktop) * Improvement: Use custom tables to store data for better performance * Improvement: Added info about safe mode on the error page * Improvement: Show notice when Safe Mode is active * Improvement: Added “Reload Local Snippets” button * Improvement: Removed jQuery from Live Reload CSS * Improvement: Close the context menu when clicking on another snippet * Improvement: Added post name to the WPCodeBox custom post types * Improvement: Removed arrow from priority input in Firefox * Improvement: Complete backend rewrite for improved performance * Improvement: Better error detection and handling * Improvement: Add loader when running manual snippets * Improvement: Allow the saving of SCSS/LESS snippets even if the compilation fails * Improvement: Action/priority/shortcode are saved to the cloud * Improvement: Set “plugins_loaded” as the default action for PHP snippets * Improvement: Make the editor fill the height * Improvement: Removed the plugins_loaded notice * Improvement: Added wp_body_open hook * Improvement: Fire wpcb_snippet_disabled action when a snippet is disabled * Improvement: Small security improvements * Bugfix: PHP Notice when using the post parent conditions for posts that don't have a parent * Bugfix: When editing cloud snippets, the name is not updated in the list automatically * Bugfix: The key is not checked on autoreload, causing compatibility issues with some plugins * Bugfix: Snippet status not updated when downloading a snippet from the cloud * Bugfix: Taxonomy “Is not” condition is not working correctly * Bugfix: LESS is not working on PHP 8 * Bugfix: Current snippet is not always selected when refreshing the page * Bugfix: Unsaved changes notification appears when there are no unsaved changes * Bugfix: Delete snippets from the context menu doesn’t always work